Becoming a Pilot FAQ’s
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Becoming a Pilot FAQ’s

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Plane Cockpit ViewDreaming of becoming a pilot is a common childhood experience for many of us. The thought of soaring through the clouds and enjoying the freedom of piloting a powerful aircraft is exhilarating. But where do you begin? How does someone go from dreaming to doing? Here are four Frequently asked questions about becoming a pilot.

FAQ About Becoming a Pilot

  1. Is it difficult to become a pilot?

There are many steps and challenges involved in training to become a pilot, but if you are committed and motivated the process isn’t too hard. Most pilots in training really enjoy learning and practicing all the skills needed to earn a pilot’s license.

It takes time and dedication to become a pilot just like many other professions. As long as you study hard for each exam and prepare for each flight, you’ll soar through the process and become a pilot in no time.

  1. How long does it take to earn a pilot’s license?

This can vary greatly depending on the type of pilot, path taken and ability to gain flight hours. For example, if you are only wanting to fly single-engine aircraft as a hobby, someone could earn a license in as little as four months. If your goal is to fly for a commercial airline you will need to have extensive flight hours before qualifying. This could take four years or longer. Also, someone training under Part 61 can move at their own pace, whereas someone training under Part 141 would follow a set timetable.

Because accruing flight hours is such a large part of earning a pilot’s license, a student who is able to fly four or five times a week will progress much faster than a student who is only able to fly once a week.

  1. How much does flight school cost?

Depending on the training path you choose, the cost of flight school can vary greatly. It can cost anywhere from $18,000 to $22,000 to get a private pilot's license. Here is an estimate of what you can expect to pay for flight school.

  • Instrument rating—$10,000+ but can vary dramatically.
  • Flight instructor certificate—$4,000 to $6,000+
  • Commercial pilot certificate—$18,000 to $22,000+

To go from no flight experience to earning an ATP, it can typically cost $70,000 to $150,000. Just like traditional colleges, there are many flight schools that offer financing and financial aid might also be available as a way to reduce your cost.

Becoming a pilot can turn your dreams into reality! To learn more, please contact Elevate Aviation here in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Posted on Jul 8, 2019
Image Credit:

File ID 15313852 | © Funniefarm5 |



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