FAA Knowledge Test Study Tips
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FAA Knowledge Test Study Tips

Multiple choice test paper

For many people who are studying to become pilots, the FAA Knowledge test may be the first test you’ve taken in a long time, maybe even years! Testing can be stressful, so we here at Elevate Aviation want to help eliminate as much stress as possible by giving you a few tips on how to take the test as well as what to expect from it.

For private pilots, the FAA test has 60 questions and allows you 2 and a half hours to complete the test. The questions are multiple-choice and each question has 3 possible answers. In order to pass the FAA Knowledge test, you’ll need to score at least 70%.

Goal Setting

Set a target date for your exam that is far enough out that you’ll have plenty of study time but is close enough that you won’t lose motivation to study. Set up a study schedule that allows you to study a little each day without feeling burned out on the material. You know your own limits, so make sure you’re able to stay on track and feel motivated!

During your studies, you’ll be able to evaluate your proficiency on each topic. Note the ones that you’re having trouble with and then move on to simpler topics. Once this is done, you can return to the more difficult ones for more intensive studying.

FAA Knowledge Test Tips

Once you’ve begun the test, there are a few things you can do to make sure you’re receiving the maximum points possible. Save the more difficult questions for last, so that you can make sure you’re getting all the points on the simpler questions.

When reading the questions, avoid looking at the multiple-choice answers until you’ve come up with your own answer. Sometimes the answer choices are written to sound correct and distract you from the real answer! Avoid choosing the first answer that sounds correct and instead, read each answer thoroughly.

You may find yourself stumped by a question, but don’t leave it blank. Instead, eliminate the answers you know are wrong and then select the answer that the FAA is likely looking for depending on the rationale behind the question. At this point, you’ll probably be able to choose the correct answer.

Here at Elevate Aviation, we are committed to helping prospective pilots become successful in their careers. We offer pilot services, aircraft rental, management of aircraft for private owners, and premium training from expert flight instructors. For more information, contact Elevate Aviation here in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Posted on Jan 12, 2020
Image Credit:

File ID 21214409 | © Flynt | Dreamstime.com



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