Pre-Flight Checklist Example
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Pre-Flight Checklist Example

A+ A- A

Pilot checklistThe most important part of any operation of an aircraft is working through the pre-flight checklist. Every aircraft has a pre-flight checklist with some elements provided by the plane's manufacturer that is designed to help pilots ensure the aircraft is in proper working condition and safe for travel. Pilots have the incredible responsibly of ensuring the safety of all their passengers. Here is an example of a pre-flight checklist for a CESSNA C – 172L.


  1. Aircraft Documents -CK.
  2. Weather - Suitable.
  3. Baggage - Weighed, stowed, secured.
  4. Weight and C.G. - CK.
  5. Navigation - Planned.
  6. Charts -CK.
  7. Performance determined
  8. VOR Log (IFR) - CK.


  1. Hobbs / Tach time - CK.
  2. P.O.H. - On board.
  3. Control Lock - Remove.
  4. Avionics - Off.
  5. Electrical Switches - Off.
  6. Carb Heat - Cold.
  7. Mixture - I.C.O.
  8. Master Switch -On/Call.
  9. Fuel Quantity - CK.
  10. Lights (Night) - CK.
  11. Flaps - Down / CK.
  12. Master Switch - Off.
  13. Flight Controls - CK.
  14. Fuel Selector - Both.
  15. Trim - Neutral.
  16. Windows - CK Clean.



  1. Preflight - Complete.
  2. Passenger Briefing - Done.
  3. Cabin Doors - Closed .
  4. Seats - Adjusted / Locked.
  5. Belts / Harnesses- Secure
  6. Circuit Breakers - CK In.
  7. All Switches - Off.
  8. Brakes - Set and Test.


  1. Mixture - Rich.
  2. Throttle - Open 1/2".
  3. Master Switch - On / Call.
  4. Flaps - UP.
  5. Beacon - On.
  6. Nav. Lights - As Req.
  7. Prop Area - Clear / Call.
  8. Starter - Engage.
  9. Throttle - 700 RPM.
  10. Oil Pressure - CK.
  11. Mixture - Lean for Taxi.


  1. Radios - On / Set.
  2. Transponder – Sby/1200
  3. Radio Calls - As Req.
  4. Taxi Area - Clear.
  5. Throttle - Apply Smoothly.
  6. Brakes - CK.


  • Controls - Position for wind
  • Instruments - Ck on taxi


  1. Brakes - Set.
  2. Fuel Selector - Both.
  3. Mixture - Rich.
  4. Throttle - 1700 RPM.
  5. Magnetos
    •     Max Drop - 125
    •     Max Diff - 50
  6. Carb Heat - CK.
  7. Engine Instruments - CK.
  8. Suction Gauge - CK.
  9. Ammeter - CK.
  10. Throttle - 1000 RPM.

As a pilot, you must take the pre-flight checklist seriously. It is the last opportunity you have to identify any potential problems before embarking on a disastrous flight. For more information on safely piloting any aircraft, please contact Elevate Aviation. We provide pilot services and training here in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

Posted on Dec 27, 2018
Image Credit:

File ID 29482050 | © Monika Wisniewska |



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