There can be something very solidifying about speaking actions out loud. It’s common to have multiple thoughts going through your head at once, but speaking important actions out loud helps to verify that the action was completed and makes it a more solid part of your routine.
Checklists – Start by reading the name of each checklist out loud. For example, saying “engine start checklist” before beginning the checklist and saying the word “complete” once the checklist has been finished. Verbally speaking the checklists brings an official sense of completion to your checklists.
Clear Prop – “Clear prop!” should still be one of your loudest regular callouts. This is a phrase that should be called out the window before the prop turns over.
Approach Path Clear – Before crossing or entering any runway, check the approach and departure sides to ensure there are no rogue planes sneaking up on you. The phrase “approach and departure path clear” gives you the all-clear to safely cross or maneuver onto a runway.
Runway Numbers – While on the runway waiting for departure, speak the runway number out loud, followed by the compass heading and heading indicator. This verifies that you are indeed at the beginning of the runway, at the correct runway, and that your instruments also match this.
Adding a verbal component to these important parts of flight will not only help you to remember if you completed these tasks but could alert you to the fact that you may have missed something if your habit is disrupted by an unusual silence